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Nulsen Primary School is based in Esperance WA


School Bus Info

School Bus Information

Busy Blue Bus Services coordinates the school bus routes for the Esperance area.

Buses service the school and drop students outside the gates at approximately 8:30 am.

For information and times for the TransEsperance Regional Town Services, please download a copy of the timetable below.

If you have any queries please contact our friendly team at the Esperance Office on (08) 9072 1717 or


A bus fare is charged for this daily service using a personal SmartRider card, which are required to travel on the buses.

To get your SmartRider please fill out the below form and take it to the school office to be authorized.

For more information or FAQ on Smart Riders please check the website


Please Note: If students are not travelling on the school bus on a particular day Parents/Carers must inform the classroom teachers.